i've got an Angraecum sesquipedale on it's last legs... for cheap but i'm not sure if i will be able to bring it back to life. we are coming into a hot summer in bc and i have read it needs higher temperatures, but i would appreciate a few pearls of experience that anyone can offer. i can post a photo; it's pretty pathetic looking but it seems to be firmly rooted. is there anything i can give it to help it grow roots w/o repotting it? watering routine? fertilizer?
i am not great with technology, so we'll see if this photo thing works. it's usually 12-18 degrees in the room, but that will increase as the summer progresses. i have some flexibility with light and humidity if i move it to different parts of the tank.
It doesn't look promising to me Rallygirl; JMO but to bring that back in shape and then have to wait for blooms would be looking at 3-5 yrs I'm guessing. Is it worth your time?
i've got a group of sad plants that are all long term projects, so i am not expecting to have any returns (blooms) for a long time. i guess i figured if i can get them to grow it will be a good experience in terms of knowledge and patience... i've got huge student debt and i'd like to get more into orchids on a very very limited budget. eventually i'll probably be able to afford big/blooming plants but by then i will be better at growing them and possibly very happy with / attached to the little ones i have now.
that said, it's good to know that this one might be a total lost cause. i'm going to give it my best anyways so i'm super keen to hear any advice.
yup... i got it for free from a nursery that was going out of business. they obviously didn't care too much for it and i want to give it the optimum conditions just in case there's a bit of life left.
is there anything to encourage root growth that i can give it without repotting?
I've had some luck with using K-L-N available from many sources, but check First Rays first since he's a sponsor. My suggestion is repot into very loose medium like fir bark, clean up the roots as best you can, maybe spray with Physan 20 to be sure rot and mold won't be an issue and water exclusively with the KLN solution until you see signs of new root growth. Just keep in mind - no roots/no growth! I'd definitely get it out of the sphagnum.