I purchased an Angraecum Lingiscott in bloom this past September--it is my first attempt to grow anything in the Vanda alliance so I am really new to this. Anyway I noticed it started to drop leaves about 2 weeks ago--until then it seemed perfectly happy and growing. With all the madness of December, I didn't pay much attention to it until today. It is hung in a vanda basket and growing in a potting mix recommended for this plant. It gets bright light from outside and also light from artificial plant lights. Since winter I have been misting daily and watering more frequently; it is in a dual core clear plastic slotted pot. Today I was on a stepstool hanging decorations and realized the air at this height is much drier and warmer than I expected. To my horror the humidity was down to 35% at the plant's base when I checked it (humidity at a lower level was 50%). I also noticed that there are some black marks on the leaf base and stem. I went to take a picture and 2 leaves fell off! The fallen leaves were discolored (blackish) at the base but green otherwise. Evening temps don't go below 59. I have a fireplace insert that blows hot air, but not directly on any of my chids. I also have a 55 gallon fish tank next to my chids that provides extra humidity--it is not covered. I think humidity is a factor, but can anyone tell me what is going on and how to save my baby? Please?? I moved it down by thhe fish tank where the humidity is higher.
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