"Most" fragrant Angraecoids are only fragrant at night. I checked the flowers of this plant last night and tried to give David the desription of the fragrance, but they were not fragrant at that time.
Tom,I bought mine last year and it was mounted, but it was drying too fast so I decided to put it in the plastic pot with spagnum moss around it.I heard it likes to be moist all the time.Could you be so kind and tell me how do you grow yours since it is blooming so nice for you?Thanks
I just picked this guy up at a show last weekend. Do you have any tips Tom? The guy who sold it to me told me that they like a fine medium with a little bit of sand in it. Has anyone ever heard of that?
The guy who sold it to me told me that they like a fine medium with a little bit of sand in it. Has anyone ever heard of that?
I haven't heard of that but, then, there are lots of things I haven't heard of!
I grow mine on a "stick". I have two lovely spikes right now, another week and they should start to open.