Hey everyone
I'm on the search for plants or seed of various aerangis species and I know there are ang growers out there hiding, so come out wherever you are! I know these plants will never be as popular as cattleyas or dendrobiums, but they are wonderful and magnificent if not slightly higher maintenance.
In particular, I'm looking for
aerangis distincta, splendida and arachnopus, three relatively hard to find species. I've searched all the major nurseries, as well as Troy Meyer's flasking website to no avail. Calorchids is out, J&L is out, Oakhill offered a distincta x biloba cross a few years ago which I'm also interested in and is also no longer available. Is there anyone out there that's willing to do a self-cross when their plant blooms/has keikis they'd be willing to sell for exuberant prices? Regarding the seed, I'd be very interested in starting the propagation of these species again, since they are so rare in cultivation. And if anyone has a secret source of these plants, please let me know! I'm willing to do a cross-border Canadian import order.
Any other aerangis seed of common or rare species is also welcome. I've flasked some rangaeris amaniensis seed and I see preliminary protocorm formation so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.