So I've been doing a lot of reading and I've found a source for Aerangis biloba.
As I understand it these plants...
...are "warm to intermediate" (Slightly warmer than room temp or where should I be aiming?)
...should be mounted. I have some cedar slab type stuff I could use, is this good or should I try to track down something else? Mount with or without moss on the roots?
...needs high humidity with good air movement. I have a 20 gallon aquarium I have empty at the moment I was going to use. For air movement I was thinking a CPU fan or similar. I'm going to have a lot more questions about wiring that I'm sure (too bad "CPU" & "Fan" are both too short to search in the forums)
...needs low to medium light. I should be able to handle this. Would a spiral CF bulb or three do the trick, especially if I'm only going to have the one plant (haha, for now

) or should I get a T5 unit?
...has long flower spikes. Being optimistic here but how far from the bottom of the mount to the bottom of the spike do I need room for under good conditions? I can have my tank standard orientation (16" tall) or tall (24" tall), makes no real difference to me but will depend on how much room I need to leave for the spikes once space is taken up by the mount etc as well. Standard orientation might be easier to light and I'd be able to fit a few more plants in than tall but that's not a big deal for me (right now).
And I think that should be enough to start building my setup. More questions to come I'm sure