Originally Posted by shakkai
Thanks so much, orchid buddy extrodinaire! That Vic is sooo good. . .that
is one freakin great pot.
Originally Posted by Grandma M
It' so pretty, Gwen. Isn't it fun when you find a surprise like that?
The pot was turned so the orange root was facing away from me when I've been looking in to check on it this past week. So I was sure surprised when I took it out for a full watering.
You are a MASTER at matching plants to pots. Marilyn
Thank you, Marilyn! But it's soooo easy with Vic's pottery! All you have to do is have enough of them to choose from. I have quite a few. . .not enough, but quite a few.
Originally Posted by shams
Oh hey... I have this plant!  Mine's not -quite- blooming size yet, but boy is it getting there fast! What made you decide to take it off its mount, Gwen? Was it having problems? Or did you just have an excess of your very cute little pots? 
It was doing very well mounted but I thought it was drying out too much. . .even with me
misting, morning and early evening. So I thought I'd try the pot, which I just happened to have sitting around empty.

I thought it might be happy in it because of all the air holes Vic added in his design. . .the water drains through the mix, in that pot, super well.
Mine is a baby too. I can't WAIT for it to bloom! I hope you'll post photos of your blooms! I love the Aerangis!
Originally Posted by cb977
LOL...I was going to comment on the color coordination too!
Gwen, it looks great...of course 
Thanks, Sue! What you can't see very well in the photo. . .is that the orange of the root, exactly matches the orange in the pot! It's sort of a chalky orange. . .really really a big surprise that the root matches the pot! What luck!
So glad you like my little potted up Aerangis! Thanks for looking at it with me!


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