How long have you had it? What are your growing conditions? Temperatures day/night, humidity, light? How are you watering? How do you decide when to water?
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
Hi! I’d say humidity is typically between 50-70%, temps a steady 70F, lighting is bright indirect. Watering I try to wait until it feels like it’s starting to dry out around a bit.
I haven't grown this one. My experience has been Angraecums should't dry out. lists it as a cool grower. Has it made any new roots since you bought it? Is the medium fresh or does it appear old? Angraecums don't like repotting, so definitely don't do that unless it's making new roots.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
This is helpful! And what a great resource! I think I may have stressed it out some over the past couple months. Hopefully I can staunch the browning. Haven't seen any new roots, honestly. We'll see! Thanks so much for chiming in.