Originally Posted by Roberta
I would doubt that Angraecums need much of a "rest period" - both come from Madagascar, "dry season" is less wet the than "wet season" but there's still rain and morning dew. The plants may slow down, and likely not need fertilizer, but unless they're getting 60-70% humidity and more at night, they likely should be watered pretty regularly.
Thanks for the reply and sorry to be slow on my side. I guess this comes down to ones growing conditions. Here in the UK it's more like cold and wet season over winter. Temps are low but humidity has been 80%+. It's starting to warm up now and to get a little growth coming through. Since loosing a couple of viguerii leaves I've only watered when I've noticed the roots on the surface of the pot looking a little shrunken... Fingers crossed they wake up soon and either bloom or put on some good foliage growth...