I think new Angraecum growers should repot more confidently
My first non-phal orchid was a tiny little Angraecum elephantinum. Like a lot of new growers of the genus, I was very hesitant to repot it for the first time because I was told that the genus likes to sulk for a really long time after repotting.
When I eventually gave in and repotted, it's growth didn't slow down at all (which is to say, still at a snail's pace).
More recently I also got a gigantic A. superbum. This one additionally underwent a long bareroot shipping process, but after I potted it, immediately continued growing like nothing happened at all.
Angraecum seem to have not very many roots, so I was super careful to not break any during repotting. I think as long as you are too, you're unlikely to encounter problems when repotting.