Angraecum elephantinum care questions
Hey all,
I picked up a little elephant at the St Paul Winter Carnival orchid show in January and it's been in a holding pattern every since.
It was in sphag but doing research it looked like bark or mounting would be better. Much easier to pot in bark in my climate so I moved it to that. The root system was pretty bad, only 1 long mostly alive root when I re-potted. It lost 3 leaves that had shown brown tips or slight yellowing.
Seems to have leveled off, no leaf loss but no real growth as far as I can see. The crown seems to be full of a sticky substance that is holding it together, I'm afraid it's inhibiting new growth.
I keep it in a temp controlled grow space, 72 or so with very high humidity under lights. Water every 2-3 days when pot is mostly dry. Use Klite and Kelpmax for supplementation.
Wondering if there's anything else I can try to give this a jump start or is it only active in certain seasons and we're not there yet? I really want to give it the best chance to thrive so any suggestions welcomed! Thanks!
Pic is from just after re-pot, lost the 3 lowest leaves shortly after. Looks the same otherwise.