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06-05-2009, 07:10 PM
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my enclosure is also a terrarium
i made an error as well. I do not have a vivarium. no live animals, unless you consider whiptails.
by the way, i think that J&L does have a couple epigeneium nakaharai in their greenhouse. for a while they didnt know what species it was because the tag was missing. but it has since bloomed confirming nakaharai.

09-27-2009, 11:03 AM
Jr. Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 10
where can i buy some of these miniatur orchids for my 20 gallon terrarium?

09-27-2009, 01:42 PM
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10-22-2009, 03:26 AM
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I can vouch for ebay as an excellent avenue, as long as you're persistent, and shop in season. My collection consists of more than half ebay purchases, the other half from here and the (somewhat) local Orchids Limited (a fine establishment). As to who grows well for me, thus far the aerangis' are doing great, especially aergs. pumilio, and punctata. My tank's a little warm, so there ya go! Also, oncidium alliance are doing well, esp. psychopsis, tolumnias (of course) and cischweinfias. most everything, except those who need it cooler, which is where the new tank comes in!
good luck everyone, and happy blooming season!!

12-12-2009, 03:28 AM
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I had a vivarium about 10 years ago. these are all the names that do very well in vivaria.
1) Macroclinium aurea
2) Dendrobium cuthbertsonii cool to cold
3) Paphiopedlium venustum
4) Phalaenopsis lobii
5) Neobathia filicornu
sorry if the spelling is not excact im going by memory

12-12-2009, 03:32 AM
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oak hill has plenty of them

12-12-2009, 09:26 AM
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So was a list ever actually compiled?
I'm planning to setup my first orchidarium/terrarium and was hoping to find a sticky with an actual list like in the semi-hydroponic forum.

02-13-2010, 02:58 PM
Jr. Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 6
Terrarium Experiment - Masedevallia
Hi all,
I went nuts and built a mini-terrarium out of a 20 gallon fish tank I found on craig's list. Slapped some cocofiber on greatstuff foam on styrofoam sheeting, embedded a drip line and inserted a pipe from my hydrosonic humidifier, and voila....!! Something. I'm not really sure how well it will function, but here's what I have planted thus far:
Masdevallia Southern Sun 'okia'
4 types of tillandsia (airplants)
small "exotic angel" fern from home improvement store
moss from the yard
pilea I raided from my real terrarium
paph maudiae -half rootless
My masde is the real experiment. I mounted it using toothpicks into the greatstuff foam walls with planting medium retained (spahgnum moss). One flower wilted and died within 1 wk, another semi formed bloom seems like it's also melted/withered. However, the other bloom heads look very vibrant and are pushing upwards towards the light. They are definitely growing!!
average temp: 68
Average humidity: 80%
Humidity and Watering:
My humidifier puts real mist into the tank every 30 minutes and my dual PC 120mm fans run at all times except for 30 mins in the morning when I let the tank reach 100% humidity to soak everything.
My drip line system runs as the humidifier runs and keeps most of the cocoa fiber on 3 walls moist.
There is a 1.5 inch pool of water at the base that feeds the pump.
I use the old lighting fixture that came with the old aquarium. Seems dim. Replaced the bulb with generic grow bulb from Home Depot.
So... any recommendations or guesses as to whether it will kill my plants or blossom into a real terrarium??? I welcome any and all pointers!!
My one concern is that it's too cool, but if I add some form of heating, I'm afraid the Masd will do poorly.

02-13-2010, 04:17 PM
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I attempted this same thing a few years ago with about four species. I quickly found that I was either keeping them too wet, in which case they rotted, or I was keeping them too dry, in which case they withered away. It was really hard to get a perfect balance of enough moisture and air movement, and the only one I was able to keep alive and blooming was M. floribunda. I also think my temperatures were too high for the other species.
My tank has a fan to keep air moving and all, and it stayed nice and humid, but for some reason it just wasnt enough for three of the four species I tried. Hope this helps.
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti

03-09-2010, 03:07 PM
Jr. Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 2
paph success?
 first time post on this site, yay!  Now here's my ?, has anyone had any success growing paph's in a terr/viv, more specifically a dart frog viv? I was really glad to see there are some fellow dart frog enthusiasts out there! I am a new orchid hobbiest and really want to upgrade my collection with a couple of paph's! I just love the way the exotic "lady slipper" type orchids look (so primevil)  , and think they would look awesome in my dart frog viv!
I'm going to get one regardless here in the near future. I have about 7 other orchids of various types doing great under a bank of T5's, and have decided that it is time I find a nice specimen of my favorite genus!
So yeah if anyone could let me know if they have tried growing paph's in a viv or terr please let me know. I am about to build a whole new viv in a bigger tank as my D. auratus are about at breeding age, and really want some nice orchids in there for me and my little guys to enjoy. Sorry about the long post and bad spelling/grammar.
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