Exo Terra nano cube
I have been kicking around the idea of a tiny terrarium. I have several small terrariums of one size or another, even use a glass orb for a small orchid. I have a 12x12x18 Exo Terra that I love and have kept for a couple of years.
Now it seems the 8x8x8 nano cube is something I’m wanting to try. I have orchids to use, low light to shade requirements. I’m talking micro minis like Trisetella strumosa, Macroclinium aurorae and maybe Zygostates alleniana, Lepanthes calodictyon. This small cube won’t hold many.
Anyone have this size terrarium? I have looked around online trying to find a light fixture other than the Exo Terra as it is too large and looks overwhelming on this little cube. I wish Exo Terra had supplied an appropriate size fixture. Any ideas for something smaller, low profile maybe? I guess I could locate the cube in a bright area and forget about adding light? Hmmm, still thinking. Thanks for any suggestions.