Interesting, what is this made of? It looks nice and plants seem to be doing well so far. What are you using for lights? What are you using in the bottom? Do you plan on using a fan in here.
In regards to the slab wood mount, be very careful of the roots if you decide to ditch the mount. Someone very close to me did this and lost several plants as the damage done to the roots was apparently extensive enough that the plants did not survive. She thought she was being careful and very much regretted removing them from their mounts.
If you are able to cut away most of the mount and leave the root area intact, the plant might acclimate better. I have several mounted plants in my tank that are still growing on their original mounts. The moss and the plant itself have disguised the mount pretty well for me. Of course that all depends on where you plan to place this plant in your tank.
I am sure others will have questions and suggestions soon. It looks like a fun project, keep us updated!