New photos
In my orchyterrarium now is bloming two ascocenda.
Orange ascocenda is Ascda. Sooksamran Sunlight "Banana Field".
Oncidium limminghei (Psychopsiella limminghei)
Howeara Lava Burst
My small nepenthes is growing well
Beautiful plants/blossoms! Since I can't grow ascocenda (to cold and low humidity, need greenhouse or something like your setup) I esspecially like the Oncidium limminghei !!
As a life long student of egyptology I find your screen name very interesting!
Akhenaten, your pictures are always a source of great joy! I also can't get a vanda or asco. to bloom for the same reasons as Al but I continue to enjoy my lone vanda for the foliage.
All your plants are so healthy looking and I'm sure the riot of colors is exciting to see every day. I love your nepenthes. Mine is hanging in there and will go outside when the evenings warm up enough. It's pleasure to see all the tropicals growing together much as they would in their natural habitat.
Thanks to all My ascocends grow with the powerful artificial light, artificial light increase temperature of air in the terrarium very strongly to +32 degrees of Celsiuss. I do not know how to decrease the high temperature in the terrarium.
P.S. I like an ancient egypt and I find "heretic" pharaoh Akhenaten is great historical hero
Last edited by Akhenaten; 05-09-2008 at 07:51 AM..
Bloomed my first leafless orchid Chiloschista Parishii !!! Also I obtained the carnovoropus plant of cephalotus, size thus far any, 3 cm in the diameter. I Planted it into the perforated plastic pot, hole to 1,5 cm which closed by moss, inside I put inverted small plastic perforated pot, for warning the stagnation of water, substrat is mix of torf : perlit = 2 : 1, soaked 2 weeks in the changed distillate.
Nice chiloschista parishii! I have seen a few of the leafless orchids offered by Oak Hill Gardens and made an attempt at a Ghost Orchid (polyrhizza lindenii) but without some type of terrarium, it just expired! Your set-up is wonderful and the proof is the success with flowering all the diverse orchids and other tropicals. Do you keep any wild life (besides the plants) in your orchidarium?