I've been following your post for quite some time now and I love your orchiterrarium !!!! By any chsnce fo you have a picture of your Psychopsiella limminghei??? I'm dying to get one of them !!!!
Did you end up getting a flask of Polyrrhiza Lindenii from Kasorn Orchids in Bangkok? If you didnt mananage to get the owner, I can help you as I know him. I see on his website he still has some flasks.
Hi Brett
Thank you, very much!
I ordered flask of Polyrrhiza Lindenii in Bangkok, same weeks ago. In Thailand was a New Year and long hollyday In 16 April they send to me a flask by EMS delivery system. I wait it
But after 1 week (23 April) I'll fly to Thailand. Did anybody know, can I take out some orchids from Thailand?
Last edited by Akhenaten; 04-18-2009 at 05:44 AM..
It is no problem to take orchids out of Thailand I think. I took 6 flasks on a flight to Australia recently.
I will ask my Thai partner to ask about taking plants. I really dont think it is a problem from the Thai end though. I will PM you when I find out the rules on taking mature plants. Flasks are no problem.
As for taking plants into Russia, you need to find that out at your end and what the rules are there.
If you like you can contact me in Thailand. I can show you around the markets where you can buy orchids and maybe take you too some nearby nurseries if you have time. I will PM my phone and email