New Orchidarium 12 X 12 X 18 Exo Terra
I have a quick new setup that I put together in a 12 X 12 X 18 Exo Terra. I tried to include some plants that would combine for some nice foliage textures and flowers. I made a picture with numbered key for the plants inside.
- Ficus sp. "lance leaf"
- Trichosalpinx orbicularis
- Davallia parvula - very nice mini fern.
- Maxillaria uncata
- Stelis jamesonii - this plant is new and looks a little sad. I hope it will perk up.
- Restrepia guttulata - blooming again soon
- Phalaenopsis var. - mass-produced phal.
- Lemmaphyllum microphyllum - easy mini fern.
- Polypodium virginianum - native fern that does well in terrarium.
- Epidendrum porpax
- Pleurothallis sertuloides - fast-growing mini pleurothallid.
- Peperomia sp. ‘Baños, Ecuador’
- Cunninghamia lanceolata - conifer tree that seems to do well in terrariums.
- Elaphoglossum peltatum - very cool fern.
- Polystichum setiferum - evergreen fern that can grow big, testing it out in terrarium.
- Peliosanthes kaoi - unusual plant from Taiwan.
The plants in plastic net pots include a couple of nice specimens.