I used to keep frogs and my tanks used to be pretty well sealed but this particular tank I keep with a semi open top. I find that the plant appreciate the extra airflow more than they did the extra humidity but you must have a dedicated water regime and you need to know your tank. The downside is that you lose all the pretty green moss and weird little ferns and stuff that pop up everywhere.
I have flowered almost all the plants in there and there's quite a few.
This is a real inspiration. Do all your orchids have the same lighting needs? I am trying to stay in the same "needs" spectrum. My plants are all 500 to 1500 foot candles. Moisture loving, and also intermediate to warm growing.
Thanks Optimist. The plants do not all have the same requirements but there are microclimates within the tank and you can use that to your advantage. In general the higher the plant is in the tank then the more light and heat but less humidity. The lower they are in the tank then the less light and heat but more humidity. Also where you place your lights can play an important role as putting them in the middle or towards one side can make a difference.
SimJam yes the lights are on a cycle and it depends on the season. In the summer it is 16 hours of light while in the winter it is 12.
PaphMadMan the aroid is a miniature called Callopsis volkensii. One of my favourite plants and the leaves are pretty too.