Hello all!
I've been looking into different options to build an enclosure with specific dimensions. I am trying to align it to fit on along a wall in an extra bedroom I have. The ideal dimensions I need are 60" long by 36" high by 18-24" deep. Finding a prefabricated enclosure this size is tough.
I came across this glass cabinet from ikea that measures 59" long x22.5" high if it laying on its side—by far the closest I've seen to my measurements. I like the industrial look a lot. Also it appears as though if I build it without the base I can position it flush against the wall on the left side—which would allow the "door" to swing down. I also like that it comes pre drilled and wired for lighting. This would allow me to easily install fog/fan/lighting.
It would be laying on a base so I don't think it's too concerning how much weight is on the glass, although I could reinforce it I am sure.
All in all 200 bucks I feel is exponentially cheaper than anything I could custom build or buy prefabricated.
You all are the experts way beyond me, I'd love to hear your advice/opinions.
Here are some photos of the cabinet and one I cropped to show how it will lay. I'd get it in the grey color.