I did a little deflasking.. These are flasks just done;
Telipogon thomasii
Fernandezia maculata
Lepanthes ophioglossa
Lepanthes grandiflora
Lepanthes caprimulgus
Lepanthes escobariana
Lepanthes effusa
Lepanthes ophioglossa
Dracula chiroptera yellow
Flasks I have yet to do;
Lepanthes ingridiana
Lepanthes nicolasii
Telipogon thomasii - got one more flask to do, but waiting to see how the first one goes with aquamat and a little live moss.
Fernandezia maculata - got one more flask to do, but waiting to see how the first goes with a little live moss and aquamat.
I have moved some plants, Den. cuthbertsonii, Chrytroglossa Ben Berliner, Neocogniauxa hexaptera and Lepanthes tsubotae into the fridge too. I am seeing an improvement on the first three in only a week. Its obvious they love the 10c night time drop. The Den. cuthbertsonii has even started a new growth, and the Chrytroglossa are plumping up and looking happier. The Neocogniauxa will take longer as they didnt like my intermediate case.
And these are flasks I have coming courtesy of Ecuagenera and Pepe Portilla. As you can tell, I need to grow these seedlings on the fridge case and move some on to new homes fast so I have room for more hahah;
Masdevallia decumana
Masdevallia lucernula
Masdevallia maxilimax
Dracula hirtzii 'xanthina'