Ok so didn't like the coco mix I had in there because the orchids could not grow in it due to lack of air and it decays. I took the coco mix out which was really easy because of the weed mat I put under it to separate it from the terra-lite (hydroton,LECA). I used small black lava rocks for the new substrate and added some larger lava rocks for orchids to grow on. I also put some new orchids in that I had bought from the Akron and MOS shows but I did take some out too because they were in the coco mix and they were not doing so good but they are ok now.the first photo is what it looked like before I started thinking and the rest is what it looks like now.
Thanks everyone, Gwen, my original plan was to have them in pots like an orchidarium but my brother kinda talked me into doing it this way and this place also pushed me.