Hello all, I'm looking for any advice,input, and experiences to help me finish my orchid tank. I have a tank 24" tall with foot print of 15x18. Right now my collection hangs on sponge corners and a branch, the branch will be replaced by a large, 8", cork "trunk", I'm planning on using 4 t5 24" bulbs for light, the tank has a 6" vent strip on the top, and I have a fan that will be mounted above it for almost constant air flow, I also have a
misting system that i have never used, a monsoon system. I own hygrolon but haven't used it much, and was planning on covering most of the corner sponge pieces with it, no "wicking" reservoir just retention from the
misting. planning on have inch or more drainage layer followed by abg mix,soil, that will have some small velvet leave philodendron as well as peparomia argyreia, another unknown peparomia, maybe hopefully some begonia, I would like to have a small "bog" area for my sundews. The rest are will all be mounted, they all seem to have new grown with their position in the tank, but I am looking for input, I am fairly new. The list of orchids I own for the tank are as followed.
Aerangis fastuosa
Ascocentrum pusillum
Comparettia speciosa
Cirrhopetalum (bulbo) japonicum
Barbosella dusenii
neofinetia falcata
masdevallia floribunda
pleurothallis grobyi
podochilus muricatus
sophronitis cernua
zygostates alleniana
possibly Dendro tanii
-peparomia rotundifolia.
I plan on having a hinged front door, a 4" circle vent in it.
All the orchids will all be mounted on the sponge/hygrolon corners, and the 8" cork tube in the middle. trying to get pictures uploaded, having trouble. but any and all input is greatly appreciated, I have a lot of time and thought into this but it is my first terrarium build of this nature. Thank you!

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