Greetings Y'all:
Some of you many know me as the Groundhog from Dendroboard. For years, I have maintained a big natural viv with several epiphytes--but not much luck with orchids :
I want to mount one neotropical, one African, and one Asian orchid on the background (left to right). I have narrowed it to:
Epidendrum peperomia (=porpax) vs. Epi schlecterianum (=Nadodes discolor);
Aerangis fastuosa vs. Angraecum distichum;
Haraella retrocalla (=odorata) vs. Schoenorchis fragrans
Before you answer, here are the terrarium specs:
--Has a coir mat background; l
--is lit by 2 30w full spectrum tubes across the front, 1 65 w equivalent CF bulb and 2 15w flourescent tubes in the back;
--Left half just a screen top; right half covered with that most high tech of inventions--saran wrap. Why?
--Tank has a motif; like any good mercator projection

, the left side is neotropical (Gloxinella, Episcia 'SIlver Skies,' mounted on a cork tube Peperomia bicolor, Rhipsalis, Codonathe, Tillandsia bulbosa, Vriesea carinata, a cork slab with Til bergeri and Neoregelia dungsiana, etc); center is African (Begonia 'Buttercup' on a lava rock, Anubias nana on a log in a pool, etc); right side is Asian (and moist--Java fern, Sellaginella, Pellionia pulchra, Beg U074, Schismatoglottis, etc., yes it seems moist for jewels
Can ya dig it? Here are the temps:
Winter: Day 70F; Night 65
Spring/Fall: Day 77 Night 68
Summer: Day 88 Night 78
Humidity ranges from 50% on the left to 70% on the right, btw
SO, to use YOUR orchid therms, I guess the tank ranges seasonally from intermediate to warm to hot, no? (I am not getting an A/C; I have big lizards--in case you are wondering, I do not have dart frogs, but geckos, anoles, hylids and reed frogs--too warm in the summer for pdfs).
Now as you might imagine, the tank shows some "seasonality;" the bromeliads and gesneriads do better in the summer, the begonias and primitives do better in the winter.
So how say you guys? Thanks for reading!