Hi folks,
We've been wanting a tree frog terrarium/orchidarium for quite some time now and we finally found one to start our project!
We bought it from a guy who used to have poison dart frogs but quit the hobby. It's been sitting in his garage for a year now.
We paid €200 for a 1mx70cmx50cm (WxHxD) terrarium covered in Epiweb, including a closet underneath it, timers, fans,
misting system, lighting, wood for decoration, pumps, water heating, thermocontrol... So all in all a great deal, everything was in excellent condition. All we really have to replace is the T8's.
So here we go, we emptied it completely
Here's a first 'draft' of the interior decoration
Filled up all the empty spaces with isolation foam in order to make it solid and sturdy
Testing the waterfall (woohoo!)
Covered the dried up isolation foam with Tec7 silicon paste with a mix of ground sphagnum and peat on top to give it a natural aspect
Satisfied with the result! We cut up some "pots" in the foam in order to plant some terrarium plants.
Figuring out what goes where
And here we go, final result!
We made some extra 'turds' from isolation foam in order to have a few more plants (little ficus on the left and nepenthes to its right).
The water gets filtered beneath the bottom layer of Epiweb. Water from the waterfall falls down on the right and goes through a series of compartments with filters before coming out on the left front and going back all the way to the pump.
Daytime temperature: 24°C
Nighttime temperature: 21°C
Haven't put up a hygrometer in there, but it gets misted every 2 hours for 30sec and everything seems to stay nice and humid!
Right now we have the following orchids in there:
Haraella retrocalla
Hymenorchis javanica
Trichoglottis triflora
Lepanthes gargoyla
Cirrhopetalum miniatum
Lepanthes vellicata
Leptotes bicolor
Myoxanthus mejiae
Platystele umbellata
Pleurothallis dodsonii
Dendrobium wassellii
Pleurothallis sonderiana
Hope you guys like it! Any comments/advice is welcome!

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