Looks like it's all flourishing awesome. my collection of miniatures is going well and growing, but just hanging in their enclosure, but I'm starting my build, It will be largely cork branches and round for mounting, filter with hygolon covering it for the backround, housing the little beauties, plus liverwort, pepermonia, moss, maybe a bog for my sundews, and anything else that fits. How big is your tank with the 4 t5's? I'm running 2t5's now with a tank that is 24"tall 15x18 footprint. I just got a monsoon
misting system, and a fan. Maybe some more light? Any advice would be great.
Looking for a misting system? Look no further. Automated misting systems from MistKing are used by multitude of plant enthusiasts and are perfect for Orchids. Systems feature run dry pumps, ZipDrip valve, adjustable black nozzles, per second control! Automatically mist one growing shelf or a greenhouse full of Orchids. See MistKing testimonials |