Hi everyone
since more people found the old thread and asked me about this, here is the latest update. I did add one more mini tiny orchid - Bulbophyllum moniliforme, just today, and took updated pics. Since I started this growing on hygrolon in August, I did not see one single problem or one single plant from the chosen ones that would not like it, I hope it will stay this way!
Bulbophyllum moniliforme
Bulbophyllum rosary beads - first mounted, pretty much some spikes at all times for last 3 months
Haraella retrocalla - mounted 3 months ago, spiking constantly for last 2 months, at this time 3 spikes!
Pleurothallis leptotifolia - mounted 3 months ago, did pretty much nothing for 3 months, now there are 2-3 new growths or maybe blooms forming:-)
Scaphosepallum rapax - went completely nuts, there is some 10+ SPIKES, can't even count them how fast they grow!
Lepanthes telipogoniflora - both growing new leaves!
Masdevallia herradurae - this was not meant to be on hygrolon, too big, however it was not happy outside, so I moved it on hygrolon over month ago, since than it grows like a weeds and if I am not mistaken, it seems like SPIKES are forming, so excited!!!
Masdevallia erinacea - my first ever masdie that bloomed with 4 spikes last month!
Lepanthes calodictyon -Mounted month ago, growing new leaves and there is SPIKE about to open
Porpax lanaii - looking still happy, hope it will kick off somehow, it is mounted only for a month now but no signs of any issues or unhappiness!
This is it for now, I am still searching for some really tiny little micro-mini orchids to add, but the space is really limit now, so till I find these tiny chids, I won't add more. I am very happy with my results!