since I am falling in love with my miniatures and my small projects seems to work fine, I am thinking about something little bigger. I have really tall vase, empty, and I found this amazing thing called Epiweb from sweden. Their website is amazing and has whole EpiWeb-IIS setup for sale, but not here in the USA. Since this is exactly what I am looking to create and build, I wanted to ask for some help. First, I know that First Rays sells EcoWeb, which I do assume is nearly the same or the same material??? Also, Epiweb sells MOSS MIX, that you just blend with the water and apply to epiweb with the brush, any idea if something like that exists here in the USA? My thoughts are some plastic pipe, wit made holes, than ecoweb from ray around it. All miniatures mounted, tube inside the tall vase, water on the bottom. I would love to have that great looking sprinkling system they do offer on epiweb side but I can live without it also, I am working form the home so I can take car of watering. I will also need one of these small looks like computer fans to put on the top of the vase and some good light, which I can get in aquarium store I guess. Any tips, ideas and help would be greatly appreciated.
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