creating a terrarium for ghost orchids
I am hoping others can offer some advice here. I have a flask of ghost orchid seedlings(about 7 plants I think) and a flask of Chiloschista virdiflava (lots-maybe 40 plants) which are due to be deflasked. Ihave a 4ft aquarium sitting out in the garden and have convinced my husband to let me set it up as an indoor terrarium, almost all my other orchids are outdoors except for a plastic tub which is holding some seedlings until they are advanced enough to go out.
I've never grown in a terrarium before so i am feeling very lost...
So my question now is, how am i best to set it up?
I was thinking I might put a layer of fine coconut coir on the bottom as it is very resistent to bacteria and fungi and won't object to being kept wet. But that is about as far as i have got. I'm going to need to mount these plants but there are so many of them! I'm thinking maybe I need to mass plant them on a big bit of cork... When I was out the other day i collected some small pieces of tree bark from our casuarina trees which has a similiar surface texture to cork but has lichens and things growing on it which might be beneficial...
The final question is light. How much light do these species need? I have various options as far as where in the house I can put the terrarium and some are close to windows so I need to work out whether they need additional light or whether natural light via a window would be adequate.