I'm a beginner here, and first heard about "orchidarium" from here 5 days ago. Now I have my first orchidarium set up for two days! I think I'm crazy
I got my first orchid last Thanksgiving, and now I have one Cymbidium, two Oncidium (one large, one small), three Phalaenopsis, one Paphiopedilum seedling and eight Cattleya seedlings. These seedlings are the main reason I want to set up an orchidarium.
The humility in my house is only 30% during a sunny day, and 40% at night. But in the orchidarium, it's around 65% with one fan runs 24/7. However, the temperature is the same as my house, which is 66F during the day and 57F at night. I think it's a little bit low.
By the way, my orchidarium is 12X12X18 zoo-med tank. And I only use one 14W CFL 65K, and Rob suggests me to get a 23W instead (THX). I hope it can increase my orchidarium temperature a little bit more.
I don't know how long it'll take them to bloom, I hope they can grow faster and faster.

I also worry about the light and the temperature may not be enough for them.
Does anyone have any suggestion, please tell me!