Boy, I just love those big orchidariums! Hadn't given any thought to the glass breaking or the door channels gunking up. Very interesting article!
Hey! Sue, how's your set up going? Didya get the fan?
I've added a few things to my setup since I last posted.
I purchased one of those big ugly panels for flourescent fixtures from Home Depot. It's a thin clear, plastic panel with some sort of light diffusing texture.
We installed one panel of it behind the back wall egg crate. And two sets of smaller panels to fit snugly inside the screened snap-in top that came with the tank. I sandwiched my paper leaves between the panels. So humidity is up and I've got more diffused, sort of dappled light.
I also have a new log table (built by hubby & myself) that we have placed in front of a long bank of windows in the dining room...the new location for my tank.
Here's a pic taken before we added the light diffusing panels. I'll try to add a pic showing that latay.