I'm not sure I can help you, but I'll try. I have 2 terrariums the same size. My indoor humidity is 30% at the best of times, so that's a big issue. I do not know anything about your growing conditions, so what I describe may not be suitable for you. I have removed the mesh screen from the top, and have the lights directly over the plants. For the remaining gap I had a piece of clear glass cut to size. There is still some air coming in through the gaps, and the heat does warm the air a few degrees. For ventilation I have a small computer fan placed a few inches above a container of water. That helps quite a bit with the humidity. I have covered the "floor" of the terrarium with lava rock, a layer of sphagnum moss and have baby's breath and other mosses growing there. The set up works quite well, day time temps vary from 24-30C depending on room temps, and night time from 16-22C. I switch everything off at night time, and open the top or doors a bit. Maybe that's not needed, but I'm a sucker for fresh air.
Oh, I'm sorry: this should have been at the top of the post WELCOME TO THE ORCHID BOARD