Hello! I posted in the Beginner Discussion about my new little terrarium. I bought it at a local plant shop and then went to Oak Hill Gardens for the orchids. There are pics of the orchids in the Beginner thread.
But what I really need help on is getting some air movement for these fellas. I have a ceiling fan in the room that is always on and a window air conditioner unit that pushes around the air in the room. Here are some pictures of the air holes.
I will have to open the whole thing once a day to water the ones on bark. The entire case has to come open--the whole glass part comes off, no door. Do you think it will disturb the one that is hanging too much to do this every day? And if I do this, is that enough air movement for them? I think I probably need a little mini fan that I can point at the air holes, but I look to you for advice.