I´m thinking buying a led setup for my new orchidarium.
I discover a led fixture in a aquarium shop, that was developed for growing aquarium plants.
It´s rated at 6500k, but i´m afraid that the wavelenght is not to good between 650 and 700nm.
The power of 2 units is about 15000 lux.
What do you think of this system?
LED lamp now don't very powerful. This one led fixture produce only 800 lumen, but T5 54 watts lamp produce 5000 lumen. You need have 6 LED fixtures for 1 flurescent bulb, but usualy in fluorescent fixtures use 4 T5 54 watts bulbs, total - 20000 lumen. It is 25 LED fixtures and it is not compactly.
Last edited by Akhenaten; 11-13-2009 at 03:03 AM..
Quality LED Grow Lighting Online Shop- Grow Light UK - Store
This is LED fixture produce 4500 lumen. But I need use 4 this LED fixtures for changing one my 4 T5 bulbs fixture. But size of this LED fixture is very big and I can't use 4 this LED fixtures.
Tank you for the answer.
Since my terrarium is a litle bit small (80x60x40Cm),
i think i don´t need to much light.
Where i live, the summer temperatures rise to 34ºC, and if i can avoid the extra hot imited by the light fixture, it´s a bonus.
In the aquarium shop i mesure about 5000 lux, 35 cm from 1 led fixture.
The place where the orchids are, recive some light from the outside.
To answer about the dimensions, the led square measure about 20x20cm.