ok, I'm getting there.
now, next part. When looking at lights, how do I find out what lumens are on what pieces, I mean, one T5 tube = lumens...
I need a page that gives that out now.
(12.75... one foot away... got it)
and I figured out why my fishtank lighting is not = to plant lighting:
"A lumen is essentially a measurement of brightness to the human eye and is therefore very heavily weighted to the middle wavelengths of light that the human eye responds to most readily. As such, this measurement is not very helpful for aquarium applications since the middle wavelengths are the least important to aquarium inhabitants. To focus on lumens can be very misleading. For instance, the 55W 5000K bulb in the chart above has 4200 lumens while the 55W 6700K bulb has 4600 lumens. Yet these bulbs have the same total light output. The 6700K bulb simply has a little more of its output in the middle wavelengths."
ok, I found a chart... now, if I have 2 T5 lights, which are rated at 2900 lumens a peice, does that equal 5800, or is it some other, smaller number at around 4800 instead?
(See, figuring it out!!! my PCs over my fishtank are rated at 4800, a peice, which is 9600 over a 20 gallon fishtank

my tank is a 32 gallon hex tank, 28" deep. I've finally figured out what I'll be doing, if it works... I'll be making a hollow stump, with a pump running up the inside of that for a waterfall down both sides of it. I have to completely hash out the ideas for the stump... but its getting there.
I'm also planning a pool up front, with river rocks as the bottom, moss covered where there isn't water-total of 5 inches of river rock and water.... its in my head, hard to explain.
and I'll whittle my list down tonight to 3 different species. I'll go over the pictures, see what I like and what will work best. Mayhaps 2 of one species, one of each of the others or something like that. Bromeliads (I have a mini variety that has been in my family for at least 20 years... probably more.) and maybe getting some fake mushrooms to mount on the outside of my stump, background with cork bark...
I'm figuring it out.