Snails and slugs ohmy
I noticed slugs and a few snails in my terrarium. They had the audacity to eat my newly opened 'Lepanthes calodictyon' leaf! (and jewel orchid leaves, and micro mini gesneriads in bud). That spelled the end of my tolerance.
I finally found, and used, Sluggo brand (also available supposedly is Escar-go). Iron phosphate, the significant ingredient, melts back into the substrate harmlessly according to the label.
3 days later, I could find no more slugs, no more snails, and no new damage! My 'Sinningia pusilla' is now happily blooming from a bud that was forming when I Sluggo-ed the tank 10 days ago. And I was generous with it.
The pellets are now molding and getting smaller day by day, not so pretty, but that's okay. They worked.
Question: When should I repeat application to catch any new hatches?
Thanks. Anne