Hi, I'm Jodi, just started here yesterday? anywho...
I've been compiling a list for my terrarium, that will be made into a vivarium in about a year (I made a goal for dart frogs-the expensive ones too

but the biggest thing I see myself wanting is a
misting system... DIY plans would be greatly appreciated. and a supply place for them in the US (I can find them from the UK JUST FINE!! heh)
so, my list of orchids, that will take place in a year... my terrarium is a hex, somewhere in the 30 gallon range. Its 28" tall, and I don't want pots: everything will be mounted, or planted... with bromeliads. (I really like Andy's orchids-such nice pictures

Haraella odorata,
Bulbophyllum laxifloruim
Ascicentrum aurantiacum
Malaxis species (NG)
Pleurothallis allenii -I don't know bout this one, I want a mini tank
P. tribuloides
Dendrobium aberrans
I'm pretty sure they will all go ok in the same environ. I also have a poor NOID that will be going in there too. the poor lil devil! its not a mini though... at least, I don't think it is...
any other suggestions? this will be taking a long time to make. I think in two weeks (payday) I'll be getting the bottom and sides made. Then will be steps, then a huge driftwood, then plants... so in two months I might be starting to order from the list.
oh, and does anyone know anyplace that I can get an id on a really old bromeliad?

Looking for a misting system? Look no further. Automated misting systems from MistKing are used by multitude of plant enthusiasts and are perfect for Orchids. Systems feature run dry pumps, ZipDrip valve, adjustable black nozzles, per second control! Automatically mist one growing shelf or a greenhouse full of Orchids. See MistKing testimonials |