Hi everyone!
I've been trying to do some research on fertilizers to use on orchids growing in tanks. I have a number of orchids growing in a tank...I'm not sure what kind of fertilizer to use!
I hear fish emulsion is good, but everyone seems to have very different opinions.
My orchids are mostly mounted on cork or tree fern in sphagnum.
There are very much different fertilizer. I use fluid balansed fertilizer solutions. They usualy contain K:N:P = 5:5:5 or 10:10:10 or 20:20:20, but then more high concentration of fertilizer then more water I use for prepare sotution. Before blooming I use fertilizer which contain more phophorus, in vegetative period I use fertilizer containing more nitrogenium.
Last edited by Akhenaten; 02-23-2009 at 01:15 AM..
I use dilute MSU mix fertilizer at 125ppm nitrogen. Your 20-20-20 can also be mixed dilute like this as well. Check out Ray's website at Firstrays.com for dilution rate. Use the free fertilizer calculater.
I haven't been able to find this on my own -- what does MSU stand for?
MSU is Michigan State University. Here's a link to Ray's site and the free info: First Rays' Free Info Any fertilizer can be used. Use the fertilizer calculator Fertilizer PPM Calculator and plug in the values from your fertilizer for a mix 125ppm nitrogen. It will be extremely diluted so you can use this daily with no harm. That's what I do.