Yes, you can get "cool mist" humidifiers fairly cheaply and rig up some kind of hose to take it into the tank (they have fans built in, so can "pump" fog short distances). There are versions mean for fogging terraria, like the ReptiFogger,
Reptile Fogger in Reptile Care Supplies | eBay
You can also try a bowl of water and one of those mister/fogger things they sell for indoor fountains; it takes a bit of messing around to get them at the right level - and of course as they spit out water into the air, the water level changes... So it's probably worth DIYing a float device (from polystyrene or similar) that will keep it at the right level in a deeper container. Ideally, you'll need a fan in your tank to spread the humidity around, otherwise you generally end up with a "fog layer" at the bottom - but even diffusion will eventually raise the humidity in the rest of your setup.
You can pick them up quite cheaply on ebay (e.g.
Mister Fogger in Indoor Water Fountains | eBay), or have a hunt around on
Of course, you can also consider a
misting system, but those aren't exactly cheap.
---------- Post added at 09:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 AM ----------
Oh, if you want a little more control of the humidity, something like this will probably help Zoo Med HygroTherm Humidity and Temperature Controller: Pet Supplies
Whatever option you go for, try to use the purest water you can easily obtain. I found our local tapwater (400-600 uS conductivity) left salt deposits on leaves of many plants when used for fogging.

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