This is a repost from a frog forum, but I figured I'll post it here too. I'm still waiting for some miniature orchids and some carnivorous plants to put into this tank. It's still fresh and has very little new growth.
I've redone my 90 galon diamond viv. After few years of service, the tree fern panels fell apart on me. I decided to build it to last forever. I used epiweb and mortar. Here are some pics of the process
I cant seem to find the early photos, so I'll start with the epiweb already glued to the glass with aquarium silicone. Some black foam is already on.

Haba Create from Deven at HerpInvert.

Future waterfall.

Installed an extra light in the canopy. From AH Supply.
Misting System connected directly to the RO supply. Never have to fill up a reservoir.

This tank is not drained. Prior to this setup I had to disconnect the filter and siphon off a bit of water when the level was getting too high. I decided to use a spare pump and tap into the canister filter and pump off the excess water directly into the house plumbing. Now when I need to get rid of some water I just flip a switch. Actually, I have it rigged on a timer, idea is to turn it on daily for say 20 sec to pump off the extra water automatically.

Canopy open, with the extra light in the lid

Acrylic Lid lifted with a fan to keep the condensation off.

I hate false bottoms. For this setup I used epiweb chunks as a substrate. It will also act as a filter. Landscaping fabric on top. YOu can see the water area forming.

Didn't want the front to show epiweb, so I jammed some aquarium gravel in the front of the tank.

Ready for planting

Part of the plants from Antone of Spring Valley Tropicals. All plants arrived in great shape. Anton was a pleasure to deal with!

Front Pannel with all the controls. Timers are visible when the cabinet door is open. These switches control the following: viv lights, cabinet light, waterfall (filter), heater, drain pump, air bubbles in the water,
misting system and the fans... Timers are used for the drain pump,
misting system and the lights. It was a pain to set up and organize the wire jungle, but it's a lot of fun operating the viv from the pannel.

Vivarium has been planted for about 1 week. Broms are dropping roots already.

I don't want to use and java moss nor any other moss for that matter. I'm going to experiment with riccia only. I got bunch of riccia from Brian of Brian's Tropicals. It arrived in perfect shape. Brian is very easy to deal with.

More riccia

The water area with a few plants.

Broms from Antone.

Waterfall and some riccia
Misting System is working overtime in this tank. I want to make sure that riccia takes over the tank.

This is the fresh tank after about 7-10 days. I still need to add few more plants and wait for everything to overgrow. I'm waiting for some miniature orchids. Right now there is a group of 8 leucs roaming around the viv.
Few pics of the occupants - Leucs


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