Can OrchidBoard trademark a term such as Epiphytarium?
Actually, can I use the term "orchid" without your permission?
Or "board"? While silly, I think this discussion mostly involves US citizen members because of our ludicrous litigation laws and tendency to "sue the pants off" anyone stepping on our toes. Why? Because most US firms have no business savy and no clue how to make a profit. We, as a nation, are too wrapped up in the scenario where we are the "Knight in shining armor" riding out to vanquish all evil. Too bad that companies like this have to resort to "protecting" a cherished trademark rather than produce a product folks want to buy at a price they can afford. When I (as Joe 6-pack) can design and produce my own tank at a price less than a third what they want and when it does a better job, what does that tell you? I don't even have to retofit it to hold in the humidity! What a concept!
In case some would think I just hit on something randomly, let me tell you a short story (sorry for the wander away from subject, but it was my post
) In the 1960s I worked with an engineer in the same office as I on a contraption that would fit into a fireplace, would allow cool room air to be circulated into the firebox and heated and then blown out to heat the room. I had it fabricated locally as to our design. It worked. It worked so well that soon this steel fabrication company had a patent on my design and was selling "heatalator fireplace inserts". Go figure. There is always some company with a weak business model waiting to capitalize on someone else's work and efforts. Companies like this exist because of the work of others. The company being discussed, does not have a sound design. The product is way too expensive and very inferior to what you all can have made yourself. I will offer to help anyone wanting a successful tank, to create your own at a much cheaper price and one that holds humidity. I will do it free. All you have to do is have it manufactured (which will be at a lower cost than the product being discussed). I just can't bear to say the term any longer, sorry. Hope I didn't get myself in trouble here.
Now back to this company. There are terms I am tempted to use, but won't. I really hope we all stay clear of getting OrchidBoard in trouble - please. I like it here.