Originally Posted by Akhenaten
Thank you for photos  You have a booming sophronitis!!! (on the photo with MH) I can't receive a blooming of my sophronitises. I think that they need cool temperatures, but you have a hot orchydarium. Take my congratulations!!!
How do you watering orchids?
And please say more about condition of you sophronitis grown: how do you often watering them, and what is the middle temperature?
Yes I have blooming Sophronitis in my cabinet

. Acctually two,
Sophronitis brevipedunculata . Though I have been cheating a little as I have them on my balkony during the summer so they get some cold nights.
But those are S. brevipedunculata that seams to handle warm condition quite well. But they need LIGHT, Strong Light!
For watering I have a 8 liter (2 US gallon) spray bottle that I use twice or three times a week. I also have a ultrasound membrane humidifier under the false bottom in the cabinet with a 5 in. 12 V computer fan blowing the mist up into the growing compartment.
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