Last month when Dana got her Orchidarium while visiting with me, I talked my husband into giving up his fish so I could take over the tank. It's a 50 gallon tall tank, 36 inches wide.
I've been working on putting together a centerpiece for it and have finally completed the task!
Right now, the temps are showing 72, I have two fans in there and T5 lights. I'll make adjustments as needed.
These are the plants that now reside inside:
Den tetragonum
Den tetragonum var. giganteum
Phal lobbii
Phal pulchra
Phal cornu-cervi
S cernua*
Pths teres (2)
Bulb Frank Smith
L. reginae
Bulb Jersey
Bapt echinata*
L sincorana
Ccs rubra
Bulb ambrosia*
Angcm leonis*
Bulb odoratissimum
Psh radiata
Aergs rhodosticta
Lpt bicolor
E polybulbon
Bulb Melting Point*
Lepanthopsis astrophora 'Stalky'
Tris hoejerii
Tolu sylvestris*
Masd veitchiana 'Prince de Galle' x Masd princeps
Masd Redwing 'Rolfe' HCC/AOS x masd princeps
Mystacidium capense
(Mystery Project Cool grower)
The six with an asterisk* are on a test-run. If I see signs of their not being happy, I'll remove them.
Here are some pics of the process and then the final outcome. I started out thinking I had 14 that I could take from my existing collection...and that number turned into 29 today!
The back of the tank is mirrored, making it difficult to get a really good picture