new terrarium (sorta) for miniatures
I have an orchid grow room for my larger plants, but I wanted somewhere to put higher humidity minis, so I bought a $13 aquariuam at Pet Depot and am trying to convert it into somewhat of a terrarium. My husband took a 12v pc fan from an old computer in the attic of his shop and installed it on one end of the tank ceiling for me. The only venting for the fan are several very small holes in that top, a very small opening in the back where the wire from the fan comes well as a 2 1/4" square opening next to it (which I have kept partially closed with a piece of cardboard so that humididy cannot escape). There is an open-or-close opening/door in the front of the top that I have also kept closed.....once more to avoid humidity escape. I really haven't had my one and only mini (Dryadella zebrina") long enough to know exactly how often I will be watering it. The "terrarium" sits in front of a south window, but also has 2 supplemental lights inside the removal plastic top of the tank (which I have been turning on when the sun coming in the window is dim early in the morn. and late in the well as on cloudy days). At this time, I have 2-13v flourescent bulbs there. The pictures that I have attached do not show the sheer cloth that I have been draping over the tank when the sun coming in the window is bright. The humidity in the tank seems high (as I was hoping for), but the hydrometer that I ordered has not arrived yet so I don't know the exact humidity level to tell you. The problem is: The temp. gets up to 90 degrees and I don't know how to lower it without losing humidity by opening more "vent areas" (assuming that opening them would indeed lower the temp. ??). Would someone please advise me what I should do?
Thanks in advance,