Hi guys and gals,
Today after 1½ months of work I finally finished building my new terrarium! I did it all from scratch and what a struggle :P
It measures 95 x 50 x 50 cm, and the background is made by hand from PU foam, covered using a mix of coconut humus, potting soil and a rubber-ish resin called Alfix Flexbinder(Also known as Flevepol or Sika in other coundtries than Denmark

The light fixture is made up of 21 highpower LEDs 14 white (3 watts) and 7 red and blue (1 watts). They are mounted directy on the top of the terrarium which I made from aluminium as a heat sink
I just hooked up eferything to day and moved the plants in from my old terrarium.. Can't wait for them to get established and hopefully I will get som moss growing to.
I hope you like it