OK, OK....Wow Sue, demanding little thing aren't you
Here are some new pictures of our vivarium...still have a few problems but we're working them out as we go along.
The Mystery Project plants are in here and seem to be doing very nicely...the Project 6 plant (mounted lithophytecly) is also in here....put out two new roots this past week
Plants are:
Barbosella handroi
Den. abberans (in spike)
Den. aggregatum
Den. atroviolaceum pygmy type
Haraella odorata (in bloom and spike)
Lths. manabina
Max. uncata
Med. decoratum
Orpha. radicans
Phal. Crysal Sand 'Starlight'
Mystery Project plant (C)
Mystery Project plant (W)
Mystery Prokect Plant (I)
Pths. grobyi
Pths. stricta
Sdr. japonica
Slc. Little Jerry 'Mendenhall'
Tris. hoeijeri
Thanx for looking