Update time! 09 Aug 08
A few weeks ago I had to give the HC - Dwarf Baby Tears (Hemianthus callitrichoides) a hair cut

. Its recovering nicely. The HC is not allowing the hairgrass to make a wall

. I'll have to rethink that idea.
Picture 1 - Finally added the rock I had set aside, its in the middle of the HC now, hopefully the HC will grow up the rock a little. I'm planning on putting a Sarcochilus ceciliae or 3 on/around the rock when they are ready for repotting. They were just deflasked so will be a while. Provided all goes well with that project and they are the proper size when grown up.
Picture 2 - And the main reason for the update.......The Macroclinium manabinum is in flower

. Only 3 off this spike but its a start. Had to make a support for the spike a few weeks back, tie straps are so helpful. The flowers were not in a very easy place to get a photo of, they must be shy.
Picture 3 - Added a Stelis Barbata scrap piece wrapping in a little sphagnum from repotting. Just placed it into the moss there and it seems to be happy, I really thought I'd lose it but it decided to spike instead of dieing

. You can also see the Macroclinium manabinum as it is today in this picture.
Added a Platystele stenostachya scrap piece wrapped in some sphagnum hanging on the side of the driftwood I had from repotting, not sure about this one yet thou. It still has 1 flower, wow this plant never stops flowering. Sorry can't get a good photo of this one due to its location. Its the plant on the right side of the rock in picture 1, fuzzy and all.
Picture 4 - Added a Den. cucumerinum piece I pulled off another mount. Hope it settles in ok. Needed to tie strap it down since its on the ledge.
Picture 5 - Added a Mediocalcar decoratum cutting cut end into the sphagnum moss pit. This is part of the sphagmun moss pit, the green stuff is the Plagiomnium affine, it is really covering nicely. The big purple leaf is from a few repotting pieces from a Pleutothallis prolifera, I'm pretty sure it will not make it. There were no roots on these 3 pieces. But I have to try.
Picture 6 - Added an Epidendrum longirepens cutting again right into the moss pit. In this picture you can see the Macroclinium manabinum flowers and the live sghagmun moss, along with the Anubias barteri var. nana 'Petite'. The nana has put on a few more leaves.
Picture 7 - Added an Epidendrum porpax cutting again into the moss pit.
Picture 8 - Added a Bulb. ovalifolium cutting sitting on a few strings of sphagnum moss. One of the crypts is trying to take over this ones personel space. I keep having to move its leaves.
The Pleurothallis alata is the only thing not happy with its living arrangement. Will be moving it to another home very soon.
So far everything is going pretty well, I'm still
misting the tank once daily. Once a week I mist with a few drops of fertilizer added. The tank is usually not as wet as it appears in most of the pictures. I have to keep
misting the crypts or they throw a huge fit and melt.
I'll post the next update when I add more plants

. And yes there is always room somewhere


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