Update 26 Dec 08
Short version: I removed a few plants and added a few more. The Plagiomnium affine, Dwarf Baby Tears (Hemianthus callitrichoides), Pleurothallis grobii, and Epidendrum porpax are growing the best. See below for the longer version

1. Plagiomnium trichomanes is growing nicely, although I will probably let it get ran over, there are nicer things in there.
2. Pellia (Monosolenium tenerum) - this stuff is looking really nice, I'm planning on adding some to other vivariums, its nice and tall now about 1-1 1/2". Slow growing and I've had to remove HC from it about 6 times. I need to again.
3. Plagiomnium affine - Its taken alot of work to get the moss out of it, but I think its worth it. I'll try an get a good picture of the Den. prenticei area later this weekend. I think it looks better than moss, but YMMV.
4. Cryptocoryne affinis - removed 1/2 of it a few weeks ago, and removed the rest after the picture was taken. It was growing too well and rooting too well. It would have taken over everything.
5. Anubias barteri var. nana 'Petite' - A bit larger now and trying to crowd out a few orchids. Bad Plant! But I think I can keep it in check.
6. Dwarf Baby Tears (Hemianthus callitrichoides) - HC for short, this stuff grows WAY too well in there. I've cut and sold alot of this stuff. And of course used the profits to buy more orchids

. It is in need of another haircut.
Dwarf Hairgrass (Eleocharis parvula) - Removed or trying to remove it all. Too annoying!
Cryptocoryne pygmaea - Removed a few months ago, it was larger emersed than submerged

7. Cryptocoryne parva - They are there, not dieing not really living....I really like this plant but it doesn't like me.
Live Sphagnum moss - Removed it and found it a home, it was over running the orchids in the area.
8. Macroclinium manabinum - Its doing nothing! Hopefully its the colder temps and its resting.
9. Weeping moss - Well it grew very well for about 2 months, nice a green then all of a sudden it turned the color in the new picture and really isn't growing anymore. I will probably remove it later.
10. Cephalotus follicularis - The test picture did not take, but I've added a division this time and I *think* its growing. The leaves and pictures are turning a nice red tint.
11. Dendrobium prenticei - Doing great with 2 more leaves, the affine looks nice with this one.
Pleurothallis alata - Removed, it never liked this tank.
12. Pleurothallis grobii - Umm wow, I just looked at the old picture....Its ALOT bigger. No flowers yet thou.
Removed the rock I added, it was getting in the way of my HC crop!
13. Stelis barbata - Not sure if this one will make it.
Platystele stenostachya - Removed did not like this tank.
14. Den. cucumerinum - The Anubus nana keeps covering it! But its growing I just need to remember to keep the nana in check.
15. Mediocalcar decoratum - Its doing nothing but getting over run by affine.
16. Epidendrum longirepens - Slowly moving along.
17. Epidendrum porpax - As you would expect for this one, its growing very well. Looks like it has 5 growths now. The tips of the highest leaves are burning some. So you can burn leaves with T5 lights

18. Bulb. ovalifolium - Is not happy and will probably get moved soon.
19. Hmm...I forgot to list the Den. rigidum in there, anyway its nice a plump and doing fine.
20. Added a single bulb of Bulb. alagensa I had left over from something....its working on its 3rd leaf right now.
21. There is a mystery plant I don't remember planting in there and I don't know what it is.....Looks like its growing new leaves thou.
There is a sundew I added for gnat control, its working really well. No more bugs!
I'm not listing the 2 leaves in the bottom middle until they root, they were random cutting pieces from a few months ago and I think they will not make it. I just can't throw out greens leaves!
Sorry for the small picture, file sizes and all.