I will try this again. Almost finished my thread then the whole site closed

As previuosly mentioned my masd is on apiece of driftwood wrapped in moss and placed on the floor of the aquarium. I do have the t5 24" HO lighting over the plexiglass over the orchidarium. My question finally, is, Would it be a good idea to place a length of patio screen slightly over the masd

THere is no shading for the masd, no orchids placed over it. I've been wondering about this for a few days now

. Would love some feedback on this. Thank you guys for your far from mine knowledge
ps. my hubby bought me a 3" computer fan, new!

It's just the fan, but i am going to put a thread on the set up forum. I remember reading something about it, but can't recall where

Well, better get to bed, have a nice night/sleep and hope to hear from you