Phase two. This is a larger Sterilite bin (66 qt). The fan is an 80 mm one identical to that in my original bin. I also have a 120 mm and was unsure which to use, but since they are adjustable speed I decided to start smaller. The lighting is cheap Hygger LED aquarium lights, same as original bin. This time I used two lights running front to back, instead of along the length. According to my cheap light meter this is more optimum, but it requires an additional outlet.
Plants are:
Dryadella: cristata and simula
Masdevallia: brachyura, discoidea, geminiflora, lychniphora, popowiana and xanthina ssp. pallida
Platystele: jesupiorum
Pleurothallis: barbulata
Porroglossum: amethystinum, dalstroemii and tripollex
Restrepia: dodsonii
Scaphosepalum: andreettae
Trisetella: klingeri
Some minor leaf loss, which I'm sure might continue, but most plants so far look good, other than perhaps the Dryadella simula.
After four hours spent mounting, I'm still just as terrible at it. I'm not sure if it's the ideal method, but I take random cork piece, tie a small amount of spaghnum to it and then mount the orchid growing upright with roots uncovered. The Porroglossum tripollex already needs fixed since it's leaning forward. Oddly enough, despite ordering from Ecuagenera the three smallest plants (Dryadella simula, Pleurothallis barbulata and Platystele jesupiorum) came mounted.
My plan is just to treat them as normal unless there's something I should be doing to extra baby them. It appears (I'll admit that other than the Restrepia they are placed haphazardly) room for more, but I'd be nervous adding unquarantined plants. Fingers crossed that I picked well and keep them alive and thriving.