So left-to-right, starting underwater there's Amazon sword, Java fern, three Am. swords.
Above water Bulbophyllum lasiochilum, Anubias nana "petite" (ha!), Dracula diabola (not visible), Haraella odorata, An. nana, An. nana foreground, Dracula diabola background. I don't have lux measurements but I'll take them once I clear some space on my phone for a meter app, temp 71-76f, low pH but high tds water with mosquitofish. It's similar to blackwater but not quite so tannic. There are frogs living above the water. Nutrients come from crickets and a bit of fish food, water changes are done infrequently. Source water is filtered through a high-end filter but not ro. I'm considering getting a small ro unit.

The light is adjustable on three color channels and it's set as bright as it goes if I remember right so I can turn it down if need be although I would hate to do something to make the swords lose their leaves - it would screw up the water chemistry and probably cause an algae bloom. I actually hate the swords, they're too darn big. I lowered the water level this afternoon so the orchid mounts will be drying out a bit. I'll post about each orchid on the appropriate genus boards.