Originally Posted by Roberta
Best of wishes for this next stage of life! And hope all goes well for the orchids, Sounds like you have a good plan.
Thank you! Hopefully the transition will go smoothly!
Originally Posted by WaterWitchin
Best of luck going forward with both your training AND your orchids. It may not have been a perfect experiment from a bug standpoint, but it has been beautiful, an excellent journey. Can't wait to see what's next...
I used to do a lot of habitat aquariums. Each had its own beauty and drawbacks. It is hard to move forward, but so rewarding. Especially the memories...
Thank you as well! I am so sad to tear it down knowing that I won't have something like this for years down the line...It will certainly be a part of me moving forward (and New York depending on if I decide to throw the rocks back into the Hudson or keep them haha). I will certainly look into building something that will seal very well in the future so I can CO2 bomb everything if pests come.
Originally Posted by Canadienne
The best of luck for you and your orchids, whatever the future may bring.
I will be forever thankful for the step by step instructions you did on your Orchidarium built and placed on this forum,as well as your outsttanding photography of your plants.
I followed those steps and built an Orchidarium as well. It’s in the process of getting established and doing well.Over time I will add more orchids.
Thank you Wanda, it really means a lot to me that it has helped others. I too scourged for information online when I was planning this, and it was so hard to find consistent and well-documented information. I am really glad I was able to be of help through both my failures and successes. Please don't hesitate to post or message me if you need anything! And please post more pictures of your orchidarium...we would all love to see and learn more about it!